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Name: YBBP-CT4 Flame-proof super-efficient inverter three-phase asynchronous motor
Type: YBBP80-350
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Product details

Product Parameters

Type Nominal horse-power (KW)   nominal current(A) Rate torque(N.m) Permanent torque(Hz) Constant-power speed range(Hz) LRT BDT LRA Vibration(mm/s) Noise dB(A)
 Synchronous Speed 3000r/min(2P)
YBBP-80M1-2 0.75 1 1.8 2.4 5-50 50-100 2.2 2.3 6.5  1.3 70
YBBP-80M2-2 1.1 1.5 2.6  3.5
YBBP-90S-2 1.5 2 3.4 4.8 8.0  74
YBBP-90L-2 2.2 3 4.8 7
YBBP-100L-2 3 4 6.2 9.5 78
YBBP-112M-2 4 5.5 8.1 12.7 82
YBBP-132S1-2 5.5 7.5 11.1 17.5 85
YBBP-132S2-2 7.5 10 14.9 23.9
YBBP-160M1-2 11 15 21.5 35.0  2.4 1.8 87
YBBP-160M2-2 15 20 28.6 47.7
YBBP-160L-2 18.5 25 35.1 58.9
YBBP-180M-2 22 30 41.0  70 2 2.3 90
YBBP-200L1-2 30 40 55.4 95.5 92
YBBP-200L2-2 37 50 67.9 117.8
YBBP-225M-2 45 60 82.1 143.2 94
YBBP-250M-2 55 75 99.8 175.1 50-60 96
YBBP-280S-2 75 100 133.8 236 98
YBBP-280M-2 90 125 160 284
YBBP-315S-2 110 150 195.4 350 1.8 2.2 2.3 100
YBBP-315M-2 132 180 233.2 420
YBBP-315L1-2 160 220 282.4 509
YBBP-315L2-2 200 270 352 637
YBBP-355M1-2 220 300 388 700 1.6 103
YBBP-355M2-2 250 340 439 796
YBBP-355L1-2 280 380 491 891
YBBP-355L2-2 315 430 551 1003
Type Nominal horse-power (KW)   nominal current(A) Rate torque(N.m) Permanent torque(Hz) Constant-power speed range(Hz) LRT BDT LRA Vibration(mm/s) Noise dB(A)
 Synchronous Speed 1500r/min(4P)
YBBP-80M1-4 0.55 0.75 1.5 3.5 5-50 50-100 2.4 2.3 5.5  1.3 62
YBBP-80M2-4 0.75 1 2.0  4.8
YBBP-90S-4 1.1 1.5 2.9 7 2.3 6.5  64
YBBP-90L-4 1.5 2 3.7 9.5
YBBP-100L1-4 2.2 3 5.1  14 2.4 68
YBBP-100L2-4 3 4 6.7 19.1
YBBP-112M-4 4 5.5 8.8 25.5 72
YBBP-132S-4 5.5 7.5 11.6 35 7.5  76
YBBP-132M-4 7.5 10 15.4 47.7
YBBP-160M-4 11 15 22.2 70.0  2.2 1.8 79
YBBP-160L-4 15 20 30 96
YBBP-180M-4 18.5 25 36.5  117.8 2.3 83
YBBP-180L-4 22 30 43.1  140.1
YBBP-200L-4 30 40 57.6 191 2.4 85
YBBP-225S-4 37 50 69.9 236 88
YBBP-225M-4 45 60 84.7 286.5
YBBP-250M-4 55 75 103 350.1 92
YBBP-280S-4 75 100 140 478 94
YBBP-280M-4 90 125 167 573
YBBP-315S-4 110 150 201 700 2.1 2.2 2.3 96
YBBP-315M-4 132 180 240.4 840
YBBP-315L1-4 160 220 288 1019
YBBP-315L2-4 200 270 360 1273
YBBP-355M1-4 220 300 396 1401 50-60 98
YBBP-355M2-4 250 340 443 1592
YBBP-355L1-4 280 380 497 1783
YBBP-355L2-4 315 430 559 2005
Type Nominal horse-power (KW)   nominal current(A) Rate torque(N.m) Permanent torque(Hz) Constant-power speed range(Hz) LRT BDT LRA Vibration(mm/s) Noise dB(A)
  Synchronous Speed 1000r/min(6P)
YBBP-80M1-6 0.37 0.5 1.3 3.5 5-50 50-100 2.1 2.1 4.5  1.3 61
YBBP-80M2-6 0.55 0.75 1.8  5.3
YBBP-90S-6 0.75 1 2.3 7.2 63
YBBP-90L-6 1.1 1.5 3.1 10.5 5.5 
YBBP-100L-6 1.5 2 3.9 14.3 66
YBBP-112M-6 2.2 3 5.6 21.0  71
YBBP-132S-6 3 4 7.3 28.6 2.4 6.5  75
YBBP-132M1-6 4 5.5 9.4 38.2
YBBP-132M2-6 5.5 7.5 12.6 52.5 7.0 
YBBP-160M-6 7.5 10 16.8 71.6  1.8 78
YBBP-160L-6 11 15 24.2 105
YBBP-180L-6 15 20 31.6  143 2.1 7.5  82
YBBP-200L1-6 18.5 25 37.6 176.7 2.4 84
YBBP-200L2-6 22 30 44.7 210.1
YBBP-225M-6 30 40 57.6 286.4 86
YBBP-250M-6 37 50 71.1 353.3 90
YBBP-280S-6 45 60 85.9 425 92
YBBP-280M-6 55 75 104.7 520 2.2
YBBP-315S-6 75 100 141.7 716 2.0  2.0  2.3 94
YBBP-315M-6 90 125 169.5 859
YBBP-315L1-6 110 150 206.7 1050
YBBP-315L2-6 132 180 244.7 1260
YBBP-355S-6 160 220 293 1528 1.9 96
YBBP-355M1-6 185 250 365 1910
YBBP-355M2-6 200 270 365 1910
YBBP-355L1-6 220 300 402 2101
YBBP-355L2-6 250 340 457 2387
Type Nominal horse-power (KW)   nominal current(A) Rate torque(N.m) Permanent torque(Hz) Constant-power speed range(Hz) LRT BDT LRA Vibration(mm/s) Noise dB(A)
 Synchronous Speed 750r/min(8P)
YBBP-80M1-8 0.18 0.25 0.86 2.3 5-50 50-100 1.8 2.1 4.5  1.3 61
YBBP-80M2-8 0.25 0.35 1.1  3.2
YBBP-90S-8 0.37 0.5 1.4 4.7 63
YBBP-90L-8 0.55 0.75 2.1 7
YBBP-100L1-8 0.75 1 2.4 9.5 66
YBBP-100L2-8 1.1 1.5 3.3 14
YBBP-112M-8 1.5 2 4.4 19.1  71
YBBP-132S-8 2.2 3 5.8 28 2.2 5.5  75
YBBP-132M-8 3 4 7.7 38.2
YBBP-160M1-8 4 5.5 10.3 50.9  1.9 6.5  1.8 78
YBBP-160M2-8 5.5 7.5 13.4 70.0 
YBBP-160L-8 7.5 10 17.6 95.5
YBBP-180L-8 11 15 25.3  140 82
YBBP-200L-8 15 20 33.7 191 7.2  84
YBBP-225S-8 18.5 25 40.0  236 86
YBBP-225M-8 22 30 47.4 280
YBBP-250M-8 30 40 63.4 382 2.0  90
YBBP-280S-8 37 50 77.8 471 1.8 92
YBBP-280M-8 45 60 94.1 573
YBBP-315S-8 55 75 111.2 700 2.3 94
YBBP-315M-8 75 100 150.5 955
YBBP-315L1-8 90 125 180 1146
YBBP-315L2-8 110 150 216.8 1401
YBBP-355S-8 132 180 260 1681 96
YBBP-355M-8 160 220 315 2037
YBBP-355L1-8 185 250 364 2355
YBBP-355L2-8 200 270 392 2546 1.2
Type Nominal horse-power (KW)   nominal current(A) Rate torque(N.m) Permanent torque(Hz) Constant-power speed range(Hz) LRT BDT LRA Vibratin(mm/s) Noise dB(A)
  Synchronous Speed 600r/min(10P)
YBBP-160M-10 4 5.5 11.8  63.7  5~50Hz 50~100Hz 1.1 1.9 6.3  2.2 70
YBBP-160L-10 5.5 7.5 15.8  87.5  1.1 1.9
YBBP-180L-10 7.5 10 21.0  119.4  1.1 1.9
YBBP-200L-10 11 15 29.4  175.1  1.1 1.9 73
YBBP-225S-10 15 20 38.7  238.8  1.1 1.9
YBBP-225M-10 18.5 25 45.2  294.5  1.1 1.9
YBBP-250M-10 22 30 51.9  350.2  1.1 1.9 76
YBBP-280S-10 30 40 69.2  477.5  1.1 1.9
YBBP-280M-10 37 50 82.6  588.9  1.1 1.9
YBBP-315S-10 45 60 99.6  716.3  1.2 2 6.5  2.8 82
YBBP-315M-10 55 75 121  875.4  1.2 2
YBBP-315L1-10 75 100 162  1193.8  1.2 2
YBBP-315L2-10 90 125 191  1432.5  1.2 2
YBBP-355S1-10 90 125 191  1432.5  1.2 2
YBBP-355M1-10 110 150 230  1750.8  1.2 2 7.0  90
YBBP-355M2-10 132 180 275  2101.0  1.2 2
YBBP-355L1-10 160 220 333  2546.7  1.2 2
YBBP-355L2-10 185 250 385  2944.6  1.2 2
Type Nominal horse-power (KW)   nominal current(A) Rate torque(N.m) Permanent torque(Hz) Constant-power speed range(Hz) LRT BDT LRA Vibraton(mm/s) Noise dB(A)
   Synchronous Speed 500r/min(12P)
YBBP-160M-12 3 4 9.7  57.3  5~50Hz 50~100Hz 1.1 1.7 6.0  3.2  70
YBBP-160L-12 4 5.5 12.6  76.4  1.1 1.7
YBBP-180L-12 5.5 7.5 16.9  105.1  1.1 1.7
YBBP-200L-12 7.5 10 22.1  143.3  1.1 1.7 72
YBBP-225S-12 11 15 29.6  210.1  1.1 1.7
YBBP-225M-12 15 20 40.0  286.5  1.1 1.7
YBBP-250M-12 18.5 25 48.1  353.4  1.1 1.7 75
YBBP-280S-12 22 30 55.9  420.2  1.1 1.7
YBBP-280M-12 30 40 74.5  573.0  1.1 1.7
YBBP-315S-12 37 50 88.7  706.7  1.1 1.7 3.8  82
YBBP-315M-12 45 60 107  859.5  1.2 1.6 6.1 
YBBP-315L1-12 55 75 129  1050.5  1.2 1.6
YBBP-315L2-12 75 100 172  1432.5  1.2 1.6
YBBP-355M1-12 90 125 205  1719.0  1.2 1.6 93
YBBP-355M2-12 110 150 247  2101.0  1.2 1.6
YBBP-355L1-12 132 180 295  2521.2  1.2 1.6
YBBP-355L2-12 160 220 357  3056.0  1.2 1.6

Our service:
 Marketing Service
100% tested CE certified blowers.Special customized blowers(ATEX blower,belt-driven blower) for special industry.Like gas transportation,Medical industry…Professional advice for model selection and further market development.

Pre-sales service: 
•We are a sales team, with all technical support from engineer team.
•We value every inquiry sent to us, ensure quick competitive offer within 24 hours.
•We cooperate with customer to design and develop the new products. Provide all necessary document.

After-sales service:
•We respect your feed back after receive the motors.
•We provide 1years warranty after receipt of motors..
•We promise all spare parts available in lifetime use.
•We loge your complain within 24 hours.

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