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Name: YVF2 Series Converter-Fed Variable Frequency Three-Phase Motor
Type: YVF2 YEJ
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Product details
Frame: 80 ~ 315 Power: 0.55 ~ 315KW
Reference frequency: S50Hz Insulation class: F
Frequency range: (3) 5 • 100Hz reference pole number: 4P
Applicable to: metallurgy, chemical, textile, pharmaceutical, printing, packaging, food and other industries machinery, fans, pumps, transmission line automation equipment and machine tools (such as CNC machine tools, machining centers) and other fields.
Features: <1> stepless speed regulation, wide speed range
              <2> System speed performance is good, energy saving effect is remarkable
              <3> The use of high-frequency resistance to the impact of high-voltage insulation materials and technology
              <4> independent fan forced ventilation cooling

Performance data
Type power Rated current Rated torque Constant torque frequency range Constant power frequency range
Synchronous speed 3000r/min
YVF2-80M1-4 0.55 1.6 3.8 5~50 50~100
YVF2-80M2-4 0.75 2.0 5.2
YVF2-90S-4 1.1 2.9 7.5
YVF2-90L-4 1.5 3.7 10
YVF2-100L1-4 2.2 5.2 14.9
YVF2-100L2-4 3 6.8 20
YVF2-112M-4 4 8.8 26.5
YVF2-132S-4 5.5 11.8 36.5
YVF2-132M-4 7.5 15.6 50
YVF2-160M-4 11 22.3 72
YVF2-160L-4 15 30.1 98
YVF2-180M-4 18.5 36.1 120
YVF2-180L-4 22 42.7 143
YVF2-200L-4 30 57.6 195
YVF2-225S-4 37 69.9 240 3~50
YVF2-225M-4 45 84.7 291
YVF2-250M-4 55 103 355
YVF2-280S-4 75 140 484
YVF2-280M-4 90 167 580
YVF2-315S-4 110 201 710
YVF2-315M-4 132 240 852
YVF2-315L1-4 160 288 1032
YVF2-315L2-4 200 359 1290

Component parameters related to variable frequency motors
Motor Frame 80 90 100 112 132 160 180 200 225 250 280 315
Cooling fan power 60 (10)* 60 (25)* 60 (25)* 60 (25)* 40 40 230 230 230 230 370 500
Voltage Single phase 220V or three phase 220V, 380V 1-PH220V or 3-PH220V, 380V Three-phase 380V 3-PH380V
Brake Brake torque 7.5 15 30 40 75 150 200 300 450 - - -
Excitation power 50 60 80 110 130 150 150 200 200 - - -
Excitation voltage DC24V、AC220V、AC380V - - -
Photoelectric encoder Incremental encoders

Installation structure type
Common installation structure type, and the applicable frame size is shown in the table below
Frame number Basic installation structure Derived installation type
B3 B5 B35 V1 V3 V5 V6 B6 B7 B8 V15 V36
Note: "√" indicates the type of structure that can be manufactured

Overall Installation Dimensions

Frame number Installation dimensions Dimensions
80M 125 100 50 19 40 6 15.5 80 165 130 200 0 12 3.5 10 165 175 145 220 370
90S 140 100 56 24 50 8 20 90 165 130 200 0 12 3.5 10 180 195 155 250 380
90L 140 125 56 24 50 8 20 90 165 130 200 0 12 3.5 10 180 195 155 250 410
100L 160 140 63 28 60 8 24 100 215 180 250 0 15 4 12 205 215 180 270 465
112M 190 140 70 28 60 8 24 112 215 230 250 0 15 4 12 230 240 190 300 480
132S 216 140 89 38 80 10 33 132 365 230 300 0 15 4 12 270 275 210 345 530
132M 216 178 89 38 80 10 33 132 365 250 300 0 15 4 12 270 275 210 345 570
160M 254 210 108 42 110 12 37 160 300 250 350 0 19 5 15 320 330 255 420 660
160L 254 254 108 42 110 12 37 160 300 250 350 0 19 5 15 320 330 255 4720 715
180M 279 241 121 48 110 14 42.5 180 300 250 350 0 19 5 15 355 280 280 455 775
180L 279 279 121 48 110 14 42.5 180 300 250 350 0 19 5 15 355 280 280 455 815
200L 318 305 133 55 110 16 49 200 350 300 400 0 19 5 19 395 420 305 505 850
225S 356 286 149 60 140 18 53 225 400 350 450 0 19 5 19 435 470 335 560 885
225M 356 311 149 60 140 18 53 225 400 350 450 0 19 5 19 435 470 335 560 915
250M 406 349 168 65 140 18 58 250 500 450 550 0 19 5 21 490 510 370 615 980
280S 457 368 190 75 140 20 67.5 280 500 450 550 0 19 5 21 550 580 410 680 1085
280M 457 419 190 75 140 20 67.5 280 500 450 550 0 19 5 21 550 580 410 680 1135
315S 508 406 216 80 170 22 71 315 600 550 660 0 24 6 28 635 645 530 845 1285
315M 508 457 216 80 170 22 71 315 600 550 660 0 24 6 28 635 645 530 845 1395
315L 508 508 216 80 170 22 71 315 600 550 660 0 24 6 28 635 645 530 845 1395

Frame Installation dimension Dimension
80M 50 19 40 6 15.5 80 165 130 200 0 12 3.5 175 145 185 370
90S 56 24 50 8 20 90 165 130 200 0 12 3.5 195 155 195 380
90L 56 24 50 8 20 90 165 130 200 0 12 3.5 195 155 195 410
100L 63 28 60 8 24 100 215 180 250 0 15 4 215 180 245 465
112M 70 28 60 8 24 112 215 180 250 0 15 4 240 190 265 480
132S 89 38 80 10 33 132 265 230 300 0 15 4 275 210 315 530
132M 89 38 80 10 33 132 265 230 300 0 15 4 275 210 315 570
160M 108 42 110 12 37 160 300 250 350 0 19 5 330 255 385 660
160L 108 42 110 12 37 160 300 250 350 0 19 5 330 255 385 715
180M 121 48 110 14 42.5 180 300 250 350 0 19 5 380 280 430 775
180L 121 48 110 14 42.5 180 300 250 350 0 19 5 380 280 430 815
200L 133 55 110 16 49 200 350 300 400 0 19 5 420 305 480 850
225S 149 60 140 18 53 225 400 350 450 0 19 5 470 335 535 885
225M 149 60 140 18 53 225 400 350 450 0 19 5 470 335 535 915
250M 168 65 140 18 58 250 500 450 550 0 19 5 510 370 595 980
280S 190 75 140 20 67.5 280 500 450 550 0 19 5 580 410 650 1085
280M 190 75 140 20 67.5 280 500 450 550 0 19 5 580 410 650 1135
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